var NODE_CONTEXT = 'node';var USER_CONTEXT = 'user';var GROUP_CONTEXT = 'group';var SEARCH_CONTEXT = 'search';var URL_CONTEXT = 'url';var TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT = 'tagsearch'; /** * Variables */ var URL_ROOT = ""; var SERVICE_ROOT = URL_ROOT + "api/service.php?format=json"; var SNIPPET_ROOT = URL_ROOT + "snippet/"; var USER = ""; var DATE_FORMAT = 'd/m/yy'; var TIME_FORMAT = 'd/m/yy - H:MM'; var SECOND_FORMAT = 'd/m/yy - H:MM:ss'; var SELECTED_LINKTYES = ""; var SELECTED_NODETYPES = ""; var SELECTED_USERS = ""; var SELECTED_NODES = ""; /* SNIPPETS */ var SNIPPET_IDEA = 0; var SNIPPET_TRIPLE = 1; var SNIPPET_CONNECTION_LIST = 2; var SNIPPET_CONNECTION_FOCUS = 3; var SNIPPET_CONNECTION_NET = 4; var SNIPPET_IDEA_GEO = 5; var SNIPPET_USER_GEO = 6; var USER_DEFINED_SEARCH = "User-Defined"; var SIMILARITY_SEARCH = "Similarity"; var CONTRAST_SEARCH = "Contrast"; var CONSISTENCY_SEARCH = "Consistency"; var PROOF_SEARCH = "Proof"; var PROBLEMS_SEARCH = "Problems"; var LINEAGE_SEARCH = "Lineage"; var CAUSALITY_SEARCH = "Causality"; var ANALOGY_SEARCH = "Analogy"; var USER_DEFINED_LABEL = "User Defined..."; var SIMILARITY_SEARCH_LINKS = "+,is an example of,improves on,is analogous to,as a metaphor for,is consistent with,improves on,uses/applies"; var CONTRAST_SEARCH_LINKS = "-,challenges,has counterexample,is inconsistent with,refutes"; var CONSISTENCY_SEARCH_LINKS = "+,is consistent with,supports,proves,is analogous to"; var PROOF_SEARCH_LINKS = "proves,refutes"; var PROBLEMS_SEARCH_LINKS = "addresses the problem,solves the problem,has sub-problem"; var LINEAGE_SEARCH_LINKS = "is an example of,improves on,proves,solves a problem,uses/applies"; var CAUSALITY_SEARCH_LINKS = "predicts,causes"; var ANALOGY_SEARCH_LINKS = "is analogous to,is a metaphor for"; var IE = 0; var IE5 = 0; var NS = 0; var GECKO = 0; var openpopups = new Array(); /** Store some variables about the browser being used.*/ if (document.all) { // Internet Explorer Detected OS = navigator.platform; VER = new String(navigator.appVersion); VER = VER.substr(VER.indexOf("MSIE")+5, VER.indexOf(" ")); if ((VER <= 5) && (OS == "Win32")) { IE5 = true; } else { IE = true; } } else if (document.layers) { // Netscape Navigator Detected NS = true; } else if (document.getElementById) { // Netscape 6 Detected GECKO = true; } function createDefinedLinkSetSelector(name, handler, depth) { var choice = null; if (depth) { choice = new Element("select", {'id': name, 'name':name, 'onChange':'javascript:'+handler+'('+depth+')'}); } else { choice = new Element("select", {'id': name, 'name':name, 'onChange':'javascript:'+handler+'()'}); } var option0 = new Element("option", {'value':'', 'title':'Select a predefined linktype set'}); option0.insert("Select Link Set"); choice.insert(option0); var option8 = new Element("option", {'value':ANALOGY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: is analogous to, is a metaphor for'}); option8.insert(ANALOGY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option8); var option3 = new Element("option", {'value':CONSISTENCY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: +, is consistent with, supports, proves, is analogous to'}); option3.insert(CONSISTENCY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option3); var option2 = new Element("option", {'value':CONTRAST_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: -, challenges, has counterexample, is inconsistent with, refutes'}); option2.insert(CONTRAST_SEARCH); choice.insert(option2); var option7 = new Element("option", {'value':CAUSALITY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: predicts, causes'}); option7.insert(CAUSALITY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option7); var option6 = new Element("option", {'value':LINEAGE_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: is an example of, improves on, proves, solves a problem, uses/applies'}); option6.insert(LINEAGE_SEARCH); choice.insert(option6); var option5 = new Element("option", {'value':PROBLEMS_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: addresses the problem, solves the problem, has sub-problem'}); option5.insert(PROBLEMS_SEARCH); choice.insert(option5); var option4 = new Element("option", {'value':PROOF_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: proves, refutes'}); option4.insert(PROOF_SEARCH); choice.insert(option4); var option1 = new Element('option', {'value':SIMILARITY_SEARCH, 'title': 'Search on: +, is an example of, improves on, is analogous to, as a metaphor for, is consistent with, improves on, uses/applies'}); option1.insert(SIMILARITY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option1); return choice; } function createDefinedLinkSetSelectorNew(name, id, handler, depth) { var choice = null; if (depth) { choice = new Element("select", {'id': id, 'name':name, 'onChange':'javascript:'+handler+'('+depth+')'}); } else { choice = new Element("select", {'id': id, 'name':name, 'onChange':'javascript:'+handler+'()'}); } var option0 = new Element("option", {'value':'', 'title':'Select a predefined linktype set'}); option0.insert("Select Link Set"); choice.insert(option0); var option8 = new Element("option", {'value':ANALOGY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: is analogous to, is a metaphor for'}); option8.insert(ANALOGY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option8); var option3 = new Element("option", {'value':CONSISTENCY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: +, is consistent with, supports, proves, is analogous to'}); option3.insert(CONSISTENCY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option3); var option2 = new Element("option", {'value':CONTRAST_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: -, challenges, has counterexample, is inconsistent with, refutes'}); option2.insert(CONTRAST_SEARCH); choice.insert(option2); var option7 = new Element("option", {'value':CAUSALITY_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: predicts, causes'}); option7.insert(CAUSALITY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option7); var option6 = new Element("option", {'value':LINEAGE_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: is an example of, improves on, proves, solves a problem, uses/applies'}); option6.insert(LINEAGE_SEARCH); choice.insert(option6); var option5 = new Element("option", {'value':PROBLEMS_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: addresses the problem, solves the problem, has sub-problem'}); option5.insert(PROBLEMS_SEARCH); choice.insert(option5); var option4 = new Element("option", {'value':PROOF_SEARCH, 'title':'Search on: proves, refutes'}); option4.insert(PROOF_SEARCH); choice.insert(option4); var option1 = new Element('option', {'value':SIMILARITY_SEARCH, 'title': 'Search on: +, is an example of, improves on, is analogous to, as a metaphor for, is consistent with, improves on, uses/applies'}); option1.insert(SIMILARITY_SEARCH); choice.insert(option1); return choice; } function getDefinedLinkSet(type) { var selectedLinks = ""; if (type == USER_DEFINED_LABEL) { // Do nothing, leave SELECTED_LINKTYES as it was set already by the dialog. } else if (type == SIMILARITY_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = SIMILARITY_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == CONTRAST_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = CONTRAST_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == CONSISTENCY_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = CONSISTENCY_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == PROOF_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = PROOF_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == PROBLEMS_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = PROBLEMS_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == LINEAGE_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = LINEAGE_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == CAUSALITY_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = CAUSALITY_SEARCH_LINKS; } else if (type == ANALOGY_SEARCH) { selectedLinks = ANALOGY_SEARCH_LINKS; } return selectedLinks; } function getDefinedLinkSetName(set) { var setname = ""; if (set == SIMILARITY_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = SIMILARITY_SEARCH; } else if (set == CONTRAST_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = CONTRAST_SEARCH; } else if (set == CONSISTENCY_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = CONSISTENCY_SEARCH; } else if (set == PROOF_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = PROOF_SEARCH; } else if (set == PROBLEMS_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = PROBLEMS_SEARCH; } else if (set == LINEAGE_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = LINEAGE_SEARCH; } else if (set == CAUSALITY_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = CAUSALITY_SEARCH; } else if (set == ANALOGY_SEARCH_LINKS) { setname = ANALOGY_SEARCH; } return setname; } /** * Create and return the snippet code for the given type; * Display snippet code in selected prompt. */ function showSnippet(type, id) { var snippet = getSnippet(type, id); if (snippet != "") { var message=""; if (type==SNIPPET_IDEA) { message = "Snippet of code to add this idea to a webpage"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA_GEO) { message = "Snippet of code to add this geo map to a webpage"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_USER_GEO) { message = "Snippet of code to add this geo map to a webpage"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_TRIPLE) { message = "Snippet of code to add this connection to a webpage"; } else { if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_LIST) { message = "Snippet of code to add this connection list to a webpage\n\n"; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current node context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current user context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current group context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current website context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the tag search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } //message += "Connection list starting from "+CONN_ARGS['start']+"\n"; //message += "listing "+CONN_ARGS['max']+" connections\n"; message += "ordered by "+CONN_ARGS['orderby']+"\n"; message += "sorted by "+CONN_ARGS['sort']+"\n"; if (CONN_ARGS['filtergroup'] != undefined) { message += "filtered by "+CONN_ARGS['filtergroup']+" link types\n"; if (CONN_ARGS['filtergroup'] == "selected") { message += "( "+CONN_ARGS['filterlist']+" )\n"; } } if (CONN_ARGS['filterusers'] != undefined && CONN_ARGS['filterusers'] != "") { message += "filtered by selected users \n"; } message += "arrow direction is "+CONN_ARGS['direction']+"\n"; message += "\nNote: All connections will be listed starting at item 1\n" } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_FOCUS) { message = "Snippet of code to add this connection neighbourhood to a webpage\n\n"; message += "Connections for '"+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['focalnode'].name+"'\n"; message += "ordered by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['orderby']+"\n"; message += "sorted by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['sort']+"\n"; if (NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup'] != undefined) { message += "filtered by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup']+" link types\n"; if (NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup'] == "selected") { message += "( "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filterlist']+" )\n"; } } if (!NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction']) { NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction'] = "right"; } message += "arrow direction is "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction']+"\n"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_NET) { message = "Snippet of code to add this connection network to a webpage\n\n"; if (NET_ARGS['netnodeid']) { message = "Focused on: \""+NET_ARGS['nodelabel']+"\"\n"; message += "For the links: \""+NET_ARGS['netq']+"\"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NET_ARGS['netscope']+"\n"; //alert (message); //exit(); } else { if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current node context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current user context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current group context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "With the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current website context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the tag search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "With the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } //alert (message); } alert (message); } } //alert (message); prompt(message, snippet); } else { alert("Snippet code could not be created"); } } /** * Create and return the snippet code for the given type; */ function getSnippet(type, id) { var url = ""; var width=""; var height=""; var args = new Array(); if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-node.php?nodeid="+id+"&snippet="+type; url += "&context="+CONTEXT; //needs this though not relevant at present. //var args = Object.clone(NODE_ARGS); //url += Object.toQueryString(args); //url += "&context="+CONTEXT; width="300"; height="160"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA_GEO) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-node-geo.php?snippet="+type; url += "&context="+CONTEXT; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { url += '&nodeid='+NODE_ARGS['nodeid']; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { url += '&userid='+USER_ARGS['userid']; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { url += '&groupid='+NODE_ARGS['groupid']; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { url += '&urlid='+URL_ARGS['urlid']; url += '&url='+URL_ARGS['url']; } NODE_ARGS['zoom'] = nodegeomap.getZoom(); var center = nodegeomap.getCenter(); NODE_ARGS['lat'] = parseFloat(; NODE_ARGS['lng'] = parseFloat(center.lng()); url += "&zoom="+NODE_ARGS['zoom']; url += "&lat="+NODE_ARGS['lat']; url += "&lng="+NODE_ARGS['lng']; width="860"; height="500"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_USER_GEO) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-user-geo.php?snippet="+type; url += "&context="+CONTEXT; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { url += '&nodeid='+NODE_ARGS['nodeid']; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { url += '&userid='+USER_ARGS['userid']; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { url += '&groupid='+NODE_ARGS['groupid']; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { url += '&urlid='+URL_ARGS['urlid']; url += '&url='+URL_ARGS['url']; } USER_ARGS['zoom'] = usergeomap.getZoom(); var center = usergeomap.getCenter(); USER_ARGS['lat'] = parseFloat(; USER_ARGS['lng'] = parseFloat(center.lng()); url += "&zoom="+USER_ARGS['zoom']; url += "&lat="+USER_ARGS['lat']; url += "&lng="+USER_ARGS['lng']; width="860"; height="500"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_TRIPLE) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-connection.php?connid="+id+"&snippet="+type; url += "&context="+CONTEXT; //needs this though not relevant at present. //var args = Object.clone(CONN_ARGS); //url += Object.toQueryString(args); //url += "&context="+CONTEXT; width="800"; height="160"; } else { if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_LIST) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-conn-list.php?snippet="+type+"&"; var args = Object.clone(CONN_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += "&context="+CONTEXT; width="860"; height="406"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_FOCUS) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-conn-neighbourhood.php?snippet="+type+"&"; var args = Object.clone(NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += "&context="+CONTEXT; width="1015"; height="340"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_NET) { url = SNIPPET_ROOT+"snippet-conn-net.php?snippet="+type+"&"; var args = Object.clone(NET_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } //the following modify the max number which is wrongly get //this is a temp fix 12.02.09 G if (args['max']== 20) { args['max'] = -1; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += "&context="+CONTEXT; width="666"; height="490"; } } var snippet = ""; if (url != "" && width != "" && height != "") { snippet = ''; } return snippet; } /** * */ function showURL(type) { var url = getURL(type); var message = ""; if (url != "") { if (type==SNIPPET_IDEA) { message = "Url for this idea"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA_GEO) { message = "Url for geo map\n\n"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_USER_GEO) { message = "Url for user geo map\n\n"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_TRIPLE) { message = "Url for this connection"; } else { if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_LIST) { message = "Url for this connection list\n\n"; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current node context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current user context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current group context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current website context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the tag search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } //message += "Connection list starting from "+CONN_ARGS['start']+"\n"; //message += "listing "+CONN_ARGS['max']+" connections\n"; message += "ordered by "+CONN_ARGS['orderby']+"\n"; message += "sorted by "+CONN_ARGS['sort']+"\n"; if (CONN_ARGS['filtergroup'] != undefined) { message += "filtered by "+CONN_ARGS['filtergroup']+" link types\n"; if (CONN_ARGS['filtergroup'] == "selected") { message += "( "+CONN_ARGS['filterlist']+" )\n"; } } if (CONN_ARGS['filterusers'] != undefined && CONN_ARGS['filterusers'] != "") { message += "filtered by selected users \n"; } if (!CONN_ARGS['direction']) { CONN_ARGS['direction'] = "right"; } message += "arrow direction is "+CONN_ARGS['direction']+"\n"; message += "\nNote: All connections will be listed starting at item 1\n" } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_FOCUS) { message = "Url for this connection neighbourhood\n\n"; message += "Connections for '"+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['focalnode'].name+"'\n"; message += "ordered by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['orderby']+"\n"; message += "sorted by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['sort']+"\n"; if (NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup'] != undefined) { message += "filtered by "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup']+" link types\n"; if (NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filtergroup'] == "selected") { message += "( "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['filterlist']+" )\n"; } } if (!NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction']) { NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction'] = "right"; } message += "arrow direction is "+NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS['direction']+"\n"; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_NET) { message = "Url for this connection network\n\n"; if (NET_ARGS['netnodeid']) { message = "Focused on: \""+NET_ARGS['nodelabel']+"\"\n"; message += "For the links: \""+NET_ARGS['netq']+"\"\n"; message += "with the search scope: "+NET_ARGS['netscope']+"\n"; } else { if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current node context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current user context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current group context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "With the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { message += "For the current website context\n"; } else if (CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { message += "For the tag search: "+NODE_ARGS['q']+"\n"; message += "With the search scope: "+NODE_ARGS['scope']+"\n"; } } } } prompt(message, url); } else { alert("Url could not be created"); } } /** * Return a url to link to Cohere for the given area and current properties. */ function getURL(type) { var url = ""; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'node.php?'; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'user.php?'; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'results.php?'; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'group.php?'; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'url.php?'; } else if (CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { url = URL_ROOT+'tagsearch.php?'; } if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA) { url += Object.toQueryString(NODE_ARGS); url += '#node-list'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_IDEA_GEO) { NODE_ARGS['zoom'] = nodegeomap.getZoom(); var center = nodegeomap.getCenter(); NODE_ARGS['lat'] = parseFloat(; NODE_ARGS['lng'] = parseFloat(center.lng()); var args = Object.clone(NODE_ARGS); delete args['netnodeid']; delete args['netq']; delete args['netscope']; delete args['netlinkgroup']; delete args['netdepth']; delete args['netdirection']; delete args['netlabelmatch']; delete args['direction']; delete args['filtergroup']; delete args['filterlist']; delete args['filternodetypes']; delete args['start']; delete args['max']; delete args['orderby']; delete args['sort']; delete args['agentlastrun']; delete args['title']; args['fromsnippet'] = false; url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += '#node-gmap'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_USER_GEO) { USER_ARGS['zoom'] = usergeomap.getZoom(); var center = usergeomap.getCenter(); USER_ARGS['lat'] = parseFloat(; USER_ARGS['lng'] = parseFloat(center.lng()); var args = Object.clone(USER_ARGS); delete args['netnodeid']; delete args['netq']; delete args['netscope']; delete args['netlinkgroup']; delete args['netdepth']; delete args['netdirection']; delete args['netlabelmatch']; delete args['direction']; delete args['filtergroup']; delete args['filterlist']; delete args['filternodetypes']; delete args['start']; delete args['max']; delete args['orderby']; delete args['sort']; delete args['agentlastrun']; delete args['title']; args['fromsnippet'] = false; url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += '#user-usergmap'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_TRIPLE) { //url += Object.toQueryString(CONN_ARGS); // Not currently used //url += '#conn-list'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_LIST) { var args = Object.clone(CONN_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += '#conn-list'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_FOCUS) { var args = Object.clone(NEIGHBOURHOOD_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += '#conn-neighbour'; } else if (type == SNIPPET_CONNECTION_NET) { var args = Object.clone(NET_ARGS); if (!args['direction']) { args['direction'] = "right"; } url += Object.toQueryString(args); url += '#conn-net'; } return url; } /** * Check to see if the enter key was pressed. */ function enterKeyPressed(evt) { var event = evt || window.event; var thing = || event.srcElement; var characterCode = document.all? window.event.keyCode:event.which; if(characterCode == 13) { thing.onclick(); } } /** * get the anchor (#) value from the url */ function getAnchorVal(defVal){ var url = document.location; var strippedUrl = url.toString().split("#"); if(strippedUrl.length > 1 && strippedUrl[1] != ""){ return strippedUrl[1]; } else { return defVal; } } /** * create a new url based on the current one but with new arguments. */ function createNewURL(url, args, view){ var newURL = ""; // check for ? otherwise split on # var strippedUrl = url.toString().split("?"); if (strippedUrl.length > 1) { newURL = strippedUrl[0]; } else { newURL = (url.toString().split("#"))[0]; } newURL += "?"+Object.toQueryString(args); newURL += "#"+view; return newURL; } /** * Open the linktype chooser dialog window and pre-select the passed linktypes */ function showNodeTypeDialog(type) { extra="type="+type; if (CONTEXT == NODE_CONTEXT) { extra += "&nodeid="+NODE_ARGS['nodeid']; } else if (CONTEXT == USER_CONTEXT) { extra += "&userid="+USER_ARGS['userid']; } else if (CONTEXT == GROUP_CONTEXT) { extra += "&groupid="+USER_ARGS['groupid']; } else if (CONTEXT == URL_CONTEXT) { extra += "&url="+URL_ARGS['url']; } else if (CONTEXT == SEARCH_CONTEXT || CONTEXT == TAGSEARCH_CONTEXT) { extra += "&q="+NODE_ARGS['q']; extra += "&scope="+NODE_ARGS['scope']; extra += "&tagsonly="+NODE_ARGS['tagsonly']; } loadDialog('choosenodetype', URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/rolefilter.php?"+extra+"&nodetypes="+encodeURIComponent(SELECTED_NODETYPES)); } /** * Open the linktype chooser dialog window and pre-select the passed linktypes */ function showLinkTypeDialog() { loadDialog('chooselinktype', URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/linktypeselector.php?links="+encodeURIComponent(SELECTED_LINKTYES), 450, 600); } /** * Open the user chooser dialog window and pre-select the passed users */ function showUsersDialog() { loadDialog('chooseuser', URL_ROOT+"ui/popups/userfilter.php?groupid="+CONN_ARGS['groupid']+"&selected="+encodeURIComponent(SELECTED_USERS)); } /** * open page in the dialog window */ function loadDialog(windowName, url, width, height){ if (width == null){ width = 570; } if (height == null){ height = 510; } var left = parseInt((screen.availWidth/2) - (width/2)); var top = parseInt((screen.availHeight/2) - (height/2)); var props = "width="+width+",height="+height+",left="+left+",top="+top+",menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,status=no,resizable=yes"; //var props = "width="+width+",height="+height+",left="+left+",top="+top+",menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,status=yes,resizable=yes"; try { var newWin =, windowName, props); if(newWin == null){ alert("You appear to have blocked popup windows.\n\n Please alter your browser settings to allow Cohere to open popup windows."); } else { newWin.focus(); } } catch(err) { //IE error alert(err.description); } } /** * close dialog */ function closeDialog(gotopage){ if(gotopage === undefined){ gotopage="node-list"; } // try to refresh the parent page try { if (gotopage == "current") { window.opener.location.reload(true); } else if (gotopage == "conn-neighbour" || gotopage == "conn-net") { // Simon wants it to return to the neighbourhood/net view if you are creating the connection there. window.opener.location.reload(true); } else { var wohl = window.opener.location.href; if (wohl) var newurl = URL_ROOT + "user.php#" + gotopage; if(wohl == newurl){ window.opener.location.reload(true); } else { window.opener.location.href = newurl; } } } catch(err) { //do nothing } window.close(); } /** * close dialog */ function showPopup(pid){ $(pid).setStyle({'display':'block'}); } /** * close dialog */ function hidePopup(pid){ $(pid).setStyle({'display':'none'}); } /** * Toggle the given div between block and none */ function toggleDiv(div) { var div = document.getElementById(div); if ( == "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } } function getWindowHeight(){ var viewportHeight = 500; if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer viewportHeight = self.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers viewportHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } return viewportHeight; 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